Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Kai Factor

Kai has been home almost a week and the Kai Factor has already set in. What's the Kai Factor? ...lack of sleep! Needless to say, we haven't been getting much but we still have our sanity for the moment. The fact that it took this long for me to get around to a blog post should also be an indication. It's not all bad though and he certainly keeps us entertained for the most part.

Since he was home we took him to Bridgetown, Skymall, and two family gatherings. Not bad, and there is also the once daily strolls through the neighbourhood. The trip to Skymall was the most hilarious one of his outings, he was the center on attention with people stopping to stare and some asking if they could see him. There were also a few people in the stores that watched as we passed by, I'm guessing after seeing Deborah with a tummy that looked like she was carrying a twin, they just had to see the end result.

For the most part, he sleeps for about 3 - 4 hours, wakes for a feeding and goes back off to sleep. More recently he has been staying awake a little longer to look around the room and look at us like we kidnapped him. He has a million facial expressions and can cycle through them quite frequently... especially when he has gas. Sometimes he smiles, and it's the most wonderful smile you have ever seen, but most of the time it comes just after he passes gas, but we take it when we can get it. Anyone who has seen him awake can attest to his facial expressions and the way he looks at them.

Exactly one week after his birth his umbilical cord dropped off... thought it would have been on a little longer but I'm not complaining. Just seemed a little soon to me. He is already starting to put on weight an fill out with some chubby cheeks that we can't help but squeeze. I can't wait until he reaches the point where he is awake more often without crying and there is more of a bonding session... until then I'll just have to make do with him periodically sharing his fingers with me. He usually sucks a few fingers (not too often) and then stretches out his other hand to me, so I join him in pretending to nibble on his fingers as well.

His hair, that was once straight and flat onto his head is starting to get more body and a few small curls. It's suits him and we're hoping this Indian hair remains and isn't just his "baby" hair. The Graco Pack N' Play with bassinet also arrived, so now he will have his own space when we spend the day at family or friends. Well he's asleep now, so that's our queue. I must apologize if this post seems all over the place but sleep deprivation has it's side effects.

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