Saturday 20 July 2013

Kai... nuff said

Hey everyone, said in the last post that Kai's eyes were brown but he opening them for his mother today and she told me they are actually grey. Unfortunately I'll have to get a picture of his eyes later as it was nap time when I got there.
Kai is 5 lbs 9 oz and is by far the sweetest baby in the hospital. Why you ask? Or rather, how did I manage to come to this conclusion? Simple... he's mine! :)

While all the other babies were crying their heads off, this was Kai. Deborah also realised that as long as she met his needs promptly then there no need to cry. When he is hungry he puts his little lips together and starts to make a sucking noise so mommy knows it's time to eat.

He is happy and healthy and hopefully should be home on Monday so I can spend more time with him. I remember Dominic was equally quiet and had "volume control", meaning he didn't cry to rival police sirens. That was one of the most joyous times of my life and it felt like we would have the most interesting conversations... when really we were just laying side by side and staring at each other for extended periods. Now that Kai is here, it's time for another round of whirlwind emotions, fear, love, admiration, joy, pain, ups, downs... life. Any parent would understand the "new baby" feeling, to try to protect from any and everything an the heartbreak and defeat when you realise that there are just somethings you can't control and protect them from. 

Nursery is the biggest test of a child's life, because believe it or not, you don't send your child to nursery for them to be looked after and cared for... you send them to nursery to get sick. Think about it for a second... I can guarantee you that the first month isn't going to pass without your child getting sick, sometimes not even the first week. The upside is that it's also supposed to be their time to socialize, even at that young age your child will encounter all types of personalities, the spoilt child that doesn't like to share, the bully that believes every toy, chair, and table is theirs, the quiet ones that just enjoy playing quietly alone, the loud ones that don't stop talking and do it like they're at the train station, the friendly ones that are like the fun sized version of hippies and love everything, try to get along with everyone and quick to try find solution to arguments of other kids.

I can just see it all unfolding before my eyes, and as with any parent, I have high hopes for my little man and will encourage him to pursue his passions and interests. Just hope the income can keep up so he can have the opportunities to do it all.


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