Tuesday 23 July 2013

QEH Chronicles Rant 1

Good morning everyone,  welcome to the QEH Chronicles Rant 1,  where we try to understand the infectious case of "unmannerlyism" that pleagues this institution. While sitting in the waiting room of the labour ward, there were countless people both male and female singing the same tune of how rude the nurses were. One or two stood out as actually being nice and wanting to be in that profession, but collectively it seemed they were all dug up from a dark pit and dropped in the hospital and forced to care for patients. Many of them don't look like they want to be there and the rest seem angry that you have to be there as well... The only difference is that the patients didnt choose to be there, and you can bet your bottom dollar that if they could've afforded it, they would have gone elsewhere.

Now imagine this, Kai starts up crying and Deborah took him up out of the little cot and started to nurse him. He settled for a few minutes then refused the breast and was crying again so she proceeded to burp him incase air had him uncomfortable. A wild nurse appears an tells Deborah to nurse the child... no questions asked. She tries again to which Kai does the same thing and all the while he is crying. Now understand my child does not cry very loud. Same wild nurse reappears and takes Kai from Deborah and grumbles if Deborah thinks she want to hear a baby crying in her ears whole night... really? Why be a nurse, and a nurse in the section with newborns if crying babies annoy you... So she takes Kai and walks away, gave him formula and brings him back.

Then I get a message from Deborah at 3:19 am this morning with this " This evening  i tell the nurses i can hardly catch my breath it 2am i callng this same b! $ch told her again n that no one came i weezing now she gun tell me they had an emergency n walk way so i was to dead atleast someone no" See now why people in hospital keep their cell phones? All I would get is a phone call in the morning hearing how much they tried but she passed away, not know they ignore patient a whole night and wait till she cock up to pay attention. The doctor finally came and took blood to see if she getting enough oxygen and she has to get her chest xrayed. Around 4:30 am she finally got nebulized and breathing alot easier now. Would you know it that the shift change and yet another nurse that doesn't want her job on duty? I swear there's a course in medical school called Rudeness 101, with a masters in b!#chology.

Another thing is how someone is still in hospital this long after giving birth because of pressure and they serving macaroni pie and salt fish and all other things then telling you that reducing salt helps to bring down pressure... go figure.

End of rant, and I know a nurse's job is stressful but thats what you signed up for and that's what you are being paid for. So unlike you, don't take it out on the people who have nonchoice but to be there. If you dealing with an idiot then deal with them accordingly, when you have a nice patient you treat them with respect and each case on its own, don't just come it cranky and cast a dark cloud on the entire ward.

P.S unless you are the baby coming from between your patients legs or have a device to sync your feelings with theirs, stop telling women "man your water aint break" without checking, telling them "man you never had a child how you know baby coming" then scrambling when baby start to crown. Telling women "don't push yet" then got to pick up baby off the mattress. Who does really train wunna though?

First mobile post so will have to see how it came out later


  1. Hope Debs is ok.......i know how in there can be and Lord you know you does have to have patience because the person you love has to be under that persons hand so you behave.......

  2. Sooooo true Vickie. Deborah is fine though, thankfully that is all but a memory now
