Tuesday 2 July 2013


Good Afternoon,

My name is Jamal and this blog will be about the birth of my second son Kai Nathaniel Haynes. His due date is August 12th, 2013, so basically the count down is on. Babies hardly ever come on the proposed due date so it's always best to have everything ready for the hospital by 35 weeks into the pregnancy.

I considered the ultrasound shot but that was taken early in the second trimester so the detail is not very good. His mother thinks he will be a daddy's boy since he calms down whenever I'm close or rubs her tummy when he stretches out. That is unless we are having one of our usual conversations just before bedtime and then he gets really active.

We recently moved out on our own and with only one of us with a steady income we were looking forward to the baby shower to see what friends and family got us. The shower was pretty good and the girls played a few games before we got to the unveiling of the gifts. We still have a few more things to get but we have a great foundation to build on. My cousin recently had a baby boy... well like a year ago, and brought us a ton of stuff her son never got around to wearing. I guess it's true what they say, kids grow up so fast... especially the first few months.

I would like to say thanks to everyone that attended the baby shower and even those who couldn't attend but still sent gifts or donations. It was greatly appreciated and will go a long way. So as the title of this blog post states, this is basically an intro to what the blog is and will be about and hope you will join Deborah and I in the count down to Kai's birth. I will try to keep the blog up to date as much as possible but no sure it will be a daily blog, so be sure to follow by email or follow me on google+ to know when a new blog post is added.


P.S here are some photos of the cake his Godmother got us for the baby shower.

photos not showing well enlarged, will check on it later

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