Wednesday 3 July 2013

Life in the Big House

Sometimes I wonder what it is like for Kai in the womb. I mean we all have probably watched Discovery Channel and seen some of the documentaries of the baby at different stages and actual views from the inside... but do you ever wonder what is really going on in the Big House?

I usually have my ear to Deborah's tummy and listening to the noises of the liquid swishing as he moves around, that is until I get two swift kicks, then I know it's time to switch to feeling with my hands instead of my face. There is something calming about the sound and maybe it's just me but I enjoy listening and wondering about which body part is actually moving.

Since we are on the last leg of the pregnancy, his movement is definitely more defined and stronger. You can watch her tummy and see it pulse and the skin rise each time he stretches out or makes a big movement. The pain is more now as well since each big movement now is followed by a moan and request to rub her tummy to calm him down. I usually find this funny now since it wasn't too long ago she would complain he didn't move today as much as he did yesterday and she is worried and she likes to know that he is active so she can feel him and know he is okay.

Occasionally we wonder what he will look like, Dominic my first son had grey eyes when he was born, he is now 7 years old and his eyes are the usual dark brown now. Never knew why it happened or if it is a usual occurrence with newborns, so maybe someone reading had a similar experience with a newborn can let me know.

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