Saturday 17 August 2013

Kai in the Big City

Good night, it has been a while since my last blog post but between work, Kai and fitting in sleep... somehow, I just haven't had the time. Much also has not been happening to blog about. Kai is now just over 7 lbs and feels like 15 lbs. His face is now round and chubby and has some big soft cheeks to die for. As I said in a previous post, we changed his formula and Deborah also changed her diet to see if it would help with his constipation. I happy to report that he no longer has that issue, but he still has gas every now and then. The silver lining with the gas is that it no longer smells like it would clear a room.

Now for Kai in the big city; Kai had an appointment at the Polyclinic in Oistins for his 4 week check up, Deborah got a wealth of information from the nurses on duty and encountered a student nurse who was here from North Carolina who couldn't contain her excitement on seeing him. She exclaimed how adorable and cute he was and as usual Kai is clueless to the fanfare going on around him. On walking the streets, we are now starting to get used to people stopping in their tracks to exclaim how cute the baby is before carrying on, while others walk up to us for a closer look and to enquire his age and try to talk to him. While Deborah was sitting at the bus stop waiting to head to Bridgetown, a lady that was already sitting there could not take her eyes off of him. She was caught in a trance and maintained it until the bus came, on the bus now she didn't sit too far and made sure everything was good, even leaping into action when it looked like Kai's baby bag was going to fall off the seat.

We were originally headed to town to collect a package but on realising the location of the business, we opted for delivery so Kai could get out the midday sun. Even with an umbrella, midday sun in Barbados is a force to be reckoned with. We decided it was best to purchase something to eat and just get out of town, so after weighing the options and distances, we decided on Chicken Barn which was supposed to be the healthier option to KFC or Chefette. We stepped through the door and like a scene in an old western the whole place went silent and looked at us. I had to make sure there was nothing on me and after a few seconds everyone went back to their conversations and watching the World Athletics Championships on the television. There was a line and it was kinda crowded but it moved quickly, plus we didn't want to miss the next bus out of town and the time was fast approaching.

All in all it was like any other day out in public, the usual stares, comments and fanfare, and as usual Kai slept through all of it. He is however becoming more active and his eyes are open a lot longer, for hours at a time just looking around the room. He looks directly at you now when you are talking to him, and depending on his interest level will determine how long he maintains it. We also found out during the check up at the polyclinic that his testicles have descended, he's also warming up to the idea of having baths and doesn't cry as much, sometimes not at all.

Ohh, forgot to mention we also applied for his ID card, which was a pretty quick and painless procedure... I always expect to spend at LEAST 2-3 hours at government places to get anything done. Next step is his passport so we can take our Canada trip next year that we postponed from winter season this year. Wouldn't want to subject our little guy to the height of winter so soon... I'm not even sure I want to subject myself to it, but would love to see the Ball drop in Times Square and the Festival of Lights at Niagara Falls... anyway, here are some pictures of Kai before we headed out to Oistins and Bridgetown. Don't forget to check out the facebook at

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