Friday, 13 December 2013
First Day at Daycare
Here's my first attempt at writing an somewhat fictional illustrated book for Kai. Hope you like it, never got around to adding the illustrations though :(
Kai's First Day at Daycare
It was the 1st day and Kai had heard much about daycare.
He was excited to see what it was all about, but not about waking up early.
Kai was awoken by the gentle embrace and kisses of his mommy and daddy.
It took him a minute for his eyes to adjust to the morning light and before long was calling for his breakfast.
All fed, a warm bath and a nice outfit and Kai was ready for his journey to daycare
Kai fell back to sleep as soon as he got out the door.
When Kai awoke he was at daycare and looked around at all the strange new faces.
Some of the people where big and tall like his mommy and daddy, and some were only a foot or two taller than him.
The kids seemed very friendly, but Kai was too small to go out and play with them.
He looked at all the colours of the room, the pictures and noticed there was another baby crying in a feeding chair.
Kai wanted to know what had the baby so upset, and realised the baby was just hungry. After one of the tall people gave her a bottle, she was happy.
He rolled over and saw some of the kids were all wearing the same clothes, then he looked at his outfit and wondered why his was different.
He got one of the kid's attention and found out that older kids get to wear a uniform, and they get to learn a lot of fun stuff.
Kai also found out that the tall people were called "Aunties" and they took care of everyone and taught the kids their ABCs and 123s.
Kai listened as the lessons went on and the kids said the ABC's, named the colours and named the pictures next to each letter.
"A is for Apple, B is for ball" he could hear one kid saying
At lunch time Kai got his bottle and watched the kids eat their lunch and then run all around playing and laughing.
Kai really wanted to play with the kids and screamed with excitement and laughed each time the kids ran close to his cot.
He kicked his feet and waved his arms and even though he was too small to join in, he still had a great time.
He took a nap and in no time it was time for another bottle and his afternoon bath.
While he was having his bath he wondered when he would see his mommy and his daddy to tell them all that happened on his first day.
Kai wanted to tell them of all the new friends he made and they all wore the same clothes and about the lessons.
He missed his mommy and daddy and started to cry, the aunty comforted him and took him for a walk to calm him down and he fell fast asleep.
When he awoke he saw his mommy at the door and he was excited to see her, finally he would get to tell her all that happened.
Kai could hardly contain his excitement when his mother asked how his day was and didn't stop talking all the way home.
When he got home and saw his daddy, he reached for him and told him about all the wonders of the day as well.
As Kai sat in his dads arms, he couldn't help but think about what the next day had in store.
Maybe tomorrow he will be strong enough to run with the kids.
"Today was a great day" he thought to himself and fell asleep and dreamt of all the wonders to come.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Long time no see
The daycare has a shuttle service so that helps a lot in getting him there as we no longer have a vehicle. It's a cosy little place with the usual brightly painted walls and the staff is very helpful and kind. We get a report every evening on how his day was, diaper changes, if he cried, fussed or spit up.
His hair doesn't seem to be growing though but we will continue to monitor it. We googled it and some parents have said it starts to grow after a while so it's nothing to worry about so now it's a waiting game. His hand, eye coordination is improving daily and he has already attempted to hold his bottle a few times. He gives hugs and reaches for our faces a little more gentle, so I assume he is gauging distance better also.
He lifts his head on his own, creeps and has some powerful legs already. Kai was born practically a whole month pre-mature and all I asked the lord for was a happy and healthy baby boy. He has delivered and Kai has grown from being born at 5lbs 9oz to 11lbs at his last doctor visit for his first vaccines, so I know he is heavier now because it's almost time for his second set of shots.
Kai loves to sit up and stand now, and can even hold his own weight while standing, as long as he has a hold of something. Once before we could put him to sleep in a position and he would stay there... now if we put him down, he will wriggle and wriggle and end up at the top or bottom of the crib completely or in a circle so his head his now where his feet used to be.
Every time he wakes up and sees us... even if he was crying, we get the most beautiful smile filled with gums, but he is 3 months and just now we will see one or two little teeth start to show. We can't wait to see those pearly whites, we aren't looking forward to any bites though... he has already taken a liking to our noses.
I have also started on his books and have written three so far. It's a cute little series thus far, inspired by Kai and how the world must look through his eyes. Fingers are crossed that it's good enough to be published, since this is my first attempt at writing a book of any kind. Say a prayer of us to be successful with this venture, if not I will still continue to write and just post them here on the blog.
That's all for tonight, Kai is off to daycare again tomorrow and we have a big day ahead of us. Thank you for the support so far and hope you continue to enjoy the blog, facebook page and hopefully his published book series.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Week In Recap
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Slipper is size 11 |
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Kai's Baby Dedication Ceremony
The service was held at the Collymore Rock Church of the Nazarene and service began at 8am. Kai was dressed up nice in his three piece, all white suit and we arrived fashionably late. Kai's Godparents, Lakeisha, Deborah and Dillon came to be apart of the occasion along with his grandmother Heather, Uncle Antonio and other family members. I must say, he was well represented today. Missing from the service was his other God parent, Darwin, who lives on another island and was unable to make it since his girlfriend is also soon expecting a bundle of joy.
We made sure to put on a bib on Kai after we dressed him and it stayed on all the way to the church... at least his outfit would remain intact should he decide to spit up. Thankfully, he slept through the entire Ceremony and the little picture taking session at the end. His uncle Antonio was the photographer for the day, so will upload the photos to his facebook page as soon as I receive them.
We spent the rest of the day at a family luncheon and had a mini island tour. We are all very exhausted, and had a long day which was after a long night... not as bad as usual, but we're still a little sleep deprived. We had a wonderful day, completed an important milestone for Kai, ate some good food, had some good laughs and we are ready to tick off the next thing on the list.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Kai in the Big City
Now for Kai in the big city; Kai had an appointment at the Polyclinic in Oistins for his 4 week check up, Deborah got a wealth of information from the nurses on duty and encountered a student nurse who was here from North Carolina who couldn't contain her excitement on seeing him. She exclaimed how adorable and cute he was and as usual Kai is clueless to the fanfare going on around him. On walking the streets, we are now starting to get used to people stopping in their tracks to exclaim how cute the baby is before carrying on, while others walk up to us for a closer look and to enquire his age and try to talk to him. While Deborah was sitting at the bus stop waiting to head to Bridgetown, a lady that was already sitting there could not take her eyes off of him. She was caught in a trance and maintained it until the bus came, on the bus now she didn't sit too far and made sure everything was good, even leaping into action when it looked like Kai's baby bag was going to fall off the seat.
We were originally headed to town to collect a package but on realising the location of the business, we opted for delivery so Kai could get out the midday sun. Even with an umbrella, midday sun in Barbados is a force to be reckoned with. We decided it was best to purchase something to eat and just get out of town, so after weighing the options and distances, we decided on Chicken Barn which was supposed to be the healthier option to KFC or Chefette. We stepped through the door and like a scene in an old western the whole place went silent and looked at us. I had to make sure there was nothing on me and after a few seconds everyone went back to their conversations and watching the World Athletics Championships on the television. There was a line and it was kinda crowded but it moved quickly, plus we didn't want to miss the next bus out of town and the time was fast approaching.
All in all it was like any other day out in public, the usual stares, comments and fanfare, and as usual Kai slept through all of it. He is however becoming more active and his eyes are open a lot longer, for hours at a time just looking around the room. He looks directly at you now when you are talking to him, and depending on his interest level will determine how long he maintains it. We also found out during the check up at the polyclinic that his testicles have descended, he's also warming up to the idea of having baths and doesn't cry as much, sometimes not at all.
Ohh, forgot to mention we also applied for his ID card, which was a pretty quick and painless procedure... I always expect to spend at LEAST 2-3 hours at government places to get anything done. Next step is his passport so we can take our Canada trip next year that we postponed from winter season this year. Wouldn't want to subject our little guy to the height of winter so soon... I'm not even sure I want to subject myself to it, but would love to see the Ball drop in Times Square and the Festival of Lights at Niagara Falls... anyway, here are some pictures of Kai before we headed out to Oistins and Bridgetown. Don't forget to check out the facebook at
Friday, 9 August 2013
Kai's Tummy Woes
What formulas have you tried that didn't seem to work for your kid, and what where the effects that caused you to change them?
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Kai's 1st Doctor Visit
Dr. Ranita Jhagroo has received the Official stamp of approval and excellence from The Book of Kai and I would recommend her to anyone.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Kai's Island Adventure
Before we started our journey I snapped a few pictures of Kai. I will only put one here but you can follow along via his official facebook page for The Book of Kai. The facebook page will be the photo gallery, provide short status updates and provide easier interaction while the long stories will be posted to the blog. So head on over to facebook and "Like" the page.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Kai Withdrawal Symptoms
We missed our walk this morning and since I'm at work tonight, we also missed our walk this evening. I try to take him out before 9am and after 4pm, closer to 5pm. The sun has been out with vengeance as of late so we try our hardest not to be in it between those hours, so today was a home day. We did the usual stuff, changed his pamper, fed him, bathe him, watched him sleep for a while, had a few minutes of him watching us as well and counting the amount of "likes" his photos got on facebook.
I guess I'll have to make the best of this situation and enjoy my full night's sleep while dreaming about him and his many facial expressions. Sometimes when he is awake his eyes dart back and forth like he woke up in a strange place and didn't remember going to sleep there. Then he crunches his eyebrows and then raise one while looking directly at you as if to ask, "and who are you again?". We mostly just laugh our heads off commentating his looks and expressions.
Next thing on the Agenda is to Register our little super star, so he can get his birth certificate and his National Registration Number and Identification Card. Passport would have also been the next step, but our winter trip to The US and Canada got cancelled since we would have been there at the height of Winter and New Year's Day. I'm guessing we will have to watch the ball drop in Times Square another time. Maybe even leave it to when he is old enough to remember the trip... even though I don't mind going several times. Maybe a Carnival Cruise next year would be our best bet since it would be more "baby friendly" since everything will be close by.
Anyway I'm thinking we will choose the Carnival cruise before they get another string of bad luck, I would like to be able to say "I have been". As the saying goes, "the faster you go to sleep, the faster you wake up" so as long as I can get to sleep with Soca Titans blaring in the background, I'll try to fast forward the night and get back to my Kai Kai.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
The Kai Factor
Since he was home we took him to Bridgetown, Skymall, and two family gatherings. Not bad, and there is also the once daily strolls through the neighbourhood. The trip to Skymall was the most hilarious one of his outings, he was the center on attention with people stopping to stare and some asking if they could see him. There were also a few people in the stores that watched as we passed by, I'm guessing after seeing Deborah with a tummy that looked like she was carrying a twin, they just had to see the end result.
For the most part, he sleeps for about 3 - 4 hours, wakes for a feeding and goes back off to sleep. More recently he has been staying awake a little longer to look around the room and look at us like we kidnapped him. He has a million facial expressions and can cycle through them quite frequently... especially when he has gas. Sometimes he smiles, and it's the most wonderful smile you have ever seen, but most of the time it comes just after he passes gas, but we take it when we can get it. Anyone who has seen him awake can attest to his facial expressions and the way he looks at them.
Exactly one week after his birth his umbilical cord dropped off... thought it would have been on a little longer but I'm not complaining. Just seemed a little soon to me. He is already starting to put on weight an fill out with some chubby cheeks that we can't help but squeeze. I can't wait until he reaches the point where he is awake more often without crying and there is more of a bonding session... until then I'll just have to make do with him periodically sharing his fingers with me. He usually sucks a few fingers (not too often) and then stretches out his other hand to me, so I join him in pretending to nibble on his fingers as well.
His hair, that was once straight and flat onto his head is starting to get more body and a few small curls. It's suits him and we're hoping this Indian hair remains and isn't just his "baby" hair. The Graco Pack N' Play with bassinet also arrived, so now he will have his own space when we spend the day at family or friends. Well he's asleep now, so that's our queue. I must apologize if this post seems all over the place but sleep deprivation has it's side effects.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
The Eagle has landed
Good morning everyone, baby Kai came home from the hospital yesterday but before we get to that lets back track a little.
So Kai had to go to the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (N.I.C.U) because he had Jaundice and was a little dehydrated. Sometimes it takes a while for milk to come in with new mothers and flow as much as baby would like, so he was getting suppliments along with the breast milk... that is until the nurse decided he wasn't getting anymore and clearly the breast milk wasn't enough.
So in the N.I.C.U Kai was put in an incubator on drips and under the lights to take care of the Bilirubin level which causes Jaundice. In fine QEH form, we walked in for the first time and we were shown where he was and that's it. We sat there staring at him and waiting to be briefed on his condition. The N.I.C.U sounds like slot arcades with buzzers and bells going off and then out of the blue an alarm goes off on Kai's incubator. None of the nurses seemed fazed, nor were they making any attempt to even come in our direction. This is our first visit and a high pitch noise is going off and we don't know why... we stopped a passing nurse to enquire and she mumbled something about temperature and pressed the silence/reset button an continued to walk away.
We then asked another nurse about his condition who told us that the doctor will speak to us in a minute... now I don't have to tell you that visiting hours ended 2 hours later and no doctor spoke to us. Another thing is that half hour after we arrived, the maid decided it was time to mop and all the parents had to go outside until she was finished. As inconvenient as this was, It gave us time to chat with some of the other parents who also stated the lack of information on coming to the N.I.C.U was also a problem they faced. After being allowed to go back in half hour later, we were asked to leave again later on so they could do an xray on a baby on the other side of the room from us. Everyone was asked to leave again but they got to us late and they told us to wait in the Breastfeeding Room since it was closer than the exit. We entered and found the couple with the newborn toddler and while we were waiting she decided to try Breastfeeding him as he wasn't really accepting it. Would you know it another nurse would walk in and tell us that guys are not allowed in the breastfeeding room? As if we salked in off the street and decided this was the ideal place to just chill out and watch the day go by. Then when we got back outside a nurse asked if we wanted to change Kai's pamper and to take down the side for access, and another nurse passed by during the change and told us not to take down the side, but to use the two little holes... these people would send you up a wall.
Anyways, my baby is home and the same evening he got home we found a lump on the back of his head, close down by his hair line. The lump is about the size of a marble and we don't know where it came from. We called back the N.I.C.U and they said he didn't have it when he was discharged, so now we have to make and appointment to take him to the doctor to get it checked out.
The first night home was as expected, little sleep and up every 3 hours or so. Other than the lump on his head I would say my little tike is happy and healthy... he also passes gas like he has a trumpet in his pamper, but better out than in I guess. We will take it one day at a time and tackle each problem as it presents itself.
He usually just breastfeeds and sleeps and doesn't open his eyes for extended periods. So snapped a picture quick so you can see him with them open.
Have a great day and I hope you are enjoying the blog.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
QEH Chronicles Rant 1
Good morning everyone, welcome to the QEH Chronicles Rant 1, where we try to understand the infectious case of "unmannerlyism" that pleagues this institution. While sitting in the waiting room of the labour ward, there were countless people both male and female singing the same tune of how rude the nurses were. One or two stood out as actually being nice and wanting to be in that profession, but collectively it seemed they were all dug up from a dark pit and dropped in the hospital and forced to care for patients. Many of them don't look like they want to be there and the rest seem angry that you have to be there as well... The only difference is that the patients didnt choose to be there, and you can bet your bottom dollar that if they could've afforded it, they would have gone elsewhere.
Now imagine this, Kai starts up crying and Deborah took him up out of the little cot and started to nurse him. He settled for a few minutes then refused the breast and was crying again so she proceeded to burp him incase air had him uncomfortable. A wild nurse appears an tells Deborah to nurse the child... no questions asked. She tries again to which Kai does the same thing and all the while he is crying. Now understand my child does not cry very loud. Same wild nurse reappears and takes Kai from Deborah and grumbles if Deborah thinks she want to hear a baby crying in her ears whole night... really? Why be a nurse, and a nurse in the section with newborns if crying babies annoy you... So she takes Kai and walks away, gave him formula and brings him back.
Then I get a message from Deborah at 3:19 am this morning with this " This evening i tell the nurses i can hardly catch my breath it 2am i callng this same b! $ch told her again n that no one came i weezing now she gun tell me they had an emergency n walk way so i was to dead atleast someone no" See now why people in hospital keep their cell phones? All I would get is a phone call in the morning hearing how much they tried but she passed away, not know they ignore patient a whole night and wait till she cock up to pay attention. The doctor finally came and took blood to see if she getting enough oxygen and she has to get her chest xrayed. Around 4:30 am she finally got nebulized and breathing alot easier now. Would you know it that the shift change and yet another nurse that doesn't want her job on duty? I swear there's a course in medical school called Rudeness 101, with a masters in b!#chology.
Another thing is how someone is still in hospital this long after giving birth because of pressure and they serving macaroni pie and salt fish and all other things then telling you that reducing salt helps to bring down pressure... go figure.
End of rant, and I know a nurse's job is stressful but thats what you signed up for and that's what you are being paid for. So unlike you, don't take it out on the people who have nonchoice but to be there. If you dealing with an idiot then deal with them accordingly, when you have a nice patient you treat them with respect and each case on its own, don't just come it cranky and cast a dark cloud on the entire ward.
P.S unless you are the baby coming from between your patients legs or have a device to sync your feelings with theirs, stop telling women "man your water aint break" without checking, telling them "man you never had a child how you know baby coming" then scrambling when baby start to crown. Telling women "don't push yet" then got to pick up baby off the mattress. Who does really train wunna though?
First mobile post so will have to see how it came out later
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Kai... nuff said
Friday, 19 July 2013
Official Release: Book of Kai, 1st Edition, Chapter 1: Kai's Birth
Kai Nathaniel Haynes was born this afternoon 36 weeks into the 40 week journey. My baby boy is tiny, looks like 6 lbs but we are not sure as yet. Now before people start scrolling all the way down for photos... I didn't take any today. It has been a very, very, VERY long day.
Now from the beginning. As you know, Deborah had her bloody show last week and with the help of google we found out labour would be along between a few hours, up to 3 weeks after this event. I really did not get any sleep last night and neither did Deborah, if she wasn't getting up for a glass of water, she was going to bathroom. Around 4 am this morning now Deborah woke me up and told me that she thinks her water broke but she is not sure. Now I'm a big fan of google, so out came the laptop to search for "i think my water broke but i'm not sure" and seems this is a very common occurrence with women and there were lots of stories and things to look for. To look at the colour, the smell and consistent flow... Now Deborah's water didn't come swooshing out with a big popping sound some women seem to get, It was more of a small steady trickle, with no sign of contractions in sight.
Since Q.E.H. is famous for sending pregnant woman back home we decided to monitor this event and see if any contractions would start. There was only the usual back pain and the trickle, so I told her to start getting herself ready for the hospital by making sure she had everything she needed, getting breakfast and a shower then relax and wait for our ride. As stated before, the Ambulance is never an option, and if you play stubborn and call, then proceed to wait for one, you better have someone at home with birthing experience.
We got to the hospital around 7:00 am and when Deborah waddled into the Accident & Emergency section we were ushered straight inside to await an orderly. Anyone is Barbados would know the usual procedure of on arrival speaking to the guard and having a seat and waiting to turn to dust. Up on the Labour Ward now I must say the nurses on that shift were very nice and information was flowing on her condition. It was only then that I found out Deborah was a High Risk patient with Edema and Pre-eclampsia so she was awarded her own little private room. Should any complications arise, surgery would take place on the spot to get out Kai.
I was allowed to go check in on her a few times through out the day and was promised to be called when the actual pushing started. When I went in she had drips to try stabilize her pressure and antibiotics since her "water" was leaking for so long before she came in. Around 11:00am they broke her water and induced labour, now induced labour hurts a lot more than natural labour and the look on Deborah's face said it all. The contractions were in full swing now and the breathing technique was sharp, there was no doubt as to when a contraction started as her body would tense up and the breathing would get faster until it had passed. I was only allowed a few minutes visit at a time since they were trying to keep her as calm as possible and I returned around 2:00 pm, this time she could barely speak and her body was shaking slightly as she struggled between focusing on breathing to say "5 minutes apart".
The hospital shift changed at 3:00 pm and from there it was like the dark side of the moon, total black out. No information, no visits, and on inquiring several times was only met with the response "hold on a minute". I heard a few loud cries and in rushed some student nurses ...I don't have to tell you how worried I became because it sounded very much like Deborah and I told myself it couldn't be since I was supposed to be there. Around 5:00 pm her mother and brother arrived from work and also asked a nurse about her status to which they received the same response.
Around 5:30 pm the nurse came to the door and told that my son was born and he is healthy, that Deborah is also good but the delivery came so fast they had no time to call me and with it being high risk all the student nurses filled the room. Half hour later they came for me to go see Deborah and she too said it happened fast as they were focusing on her pressure and tell her not to push, but she was pushing because the pain was too great. I looked around and down the hall and saw a small baby in an incubator with the temperature set to 36 degrees Celsius, I knew he came early so I wouldn't expect him to be 8+ lbs so asked Deborah if it was him, to which she said she was unsure as to where they took him. It was only after I say the ziplock bag on top the incubator with the stuff we picked out for him to wear that I knew it had to be him. He looked tiny, like around 6 lbs and the shimmy the nurse put on almost swallowed him whole. She put on the shimmy, socks, the hat and whole piece suit with legs then wrapped him in a receiving blanket and a baby towel with the head piece over the hat.
At this point Kai was not crying at all and just sucking his finger with his eyes closed. She handed him to me and I held my baby boy for the first time and started to speak to him, and asked him where he was going with such long finger nails. On hearing my voice he stopped sucking his finger and started to open his eyes. I know they say babies can hear you in the womb, and lord knows I spoke to that child almost every night, but it was still breath taking to see his recognize my voice and open his eyes. It was now time for mommy's trial run at breast feeding so the nurse took him back and he closed his eyes and she handed him to his mother to show her the way to breast feed and to see if the Colostrum was already coming out. He found the breast with ease and after the nurse made sure he was latched on it was smooth sailing, not sure if he was getting but he seemed contented and either way if nothing was coming as yet, his constant sucking would eventually bring it down.
Kai's eyes were the first thing I wanted to see when I held him and I'm glad he opened them for me, my other son Dominic had grey eyes when he was born but the turned dark brown a while after. Deborah says Kai will be a Daddy's boy since he only opened his eyes for me and not her. All in all, I am grateful that this high risk delivery was practically uneventful and my baby boy though small is happy and healthy and all went well. Can't wait to go back tomorrow and hold him again, also have to let Dominic know that his new little brother is here.
Welcome to the world Kai Nathaniel Haynes, there is tons of love here waiting for you and I can't wait to see you grow, experience and explore the world.
Friday, 12 July 2013
The Bloody Show
"A cervical mucus plug (operculum) is a plug that fills and seals the cervical canal during pregnancy. It is formed by a small amount of cervical mucus.[1]
So now that we are all on the same page, I shall begin.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Special: Pre TS Chantal Edition
As a Bajan I'm sure not too many people are bothered, plus the fact that outside still looks pretty good even though this storm is on our door steps, but I'm also sure alot of people have heeded the warnings and started to put certain things in place.
Now! The National Emergency Operations Centre will fully deploy from 9:30pm with regular briefings.
All Category 1 shelters will open from 6pm, so start preparing if you know your house isn't safe enough.
The last Transport Board bus will leave the terminals at 9pm, so don't wait till after then complain.
The Air and Sea Ports will remain open with all emergency personnel on high alert if needed.
Light and Power expects their systems will remain on an will only shut down if absolutely necessary so keep those flash lights, batteries and candles handy. I actually have some lights that come on automatically when power goes out.
Kai, as you know is warm, safe and sound in his Category 4 Shelter, and we will join along with all those smart enough, in prayer that we are spared for yet another year.
So stay safe everyone, make sure you store water, charge your mobile phones, and put gas in your vehicles in case you need to make a quick exit.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Life in the Big House
I usually have my ear to Deborah's tummy and listening to the noises of the liquid swishing as he moves around, that is until I get two swift kicks, then I know it's time to switch to feeling with my hands instead of my face. There is something calming about the sound and maybe it's just me but I enjoy listening and wondering about which body part is actually moving.
Since we are on the last leg of the pregnancy, his movement is definitely more defined and stronger. You can watch her tummy and see it pulse and the skin rise each time he stretches out or makes a big movement. The pain is more now as well since each big movement now is followed by a moan and request to rub her tummy to calm him down. I usually find this funny now since it wasn't too long ago she would complain he didn't move today as much as he did yesterday and she is worried and she likes to know that he is active so she can feel him and know he is okay.
Occasionally we wonder what he will look like, Dominic my first son had grey eyes when he was born, he is now 7 years old and his eyes are the usual dark brown now. Never knew why it happened or if it is a usual occurrence with newborns, so maybe someone reading had a similar experience with a newborn can let me know.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
My name is Jamal and this blog will be about the birth of my second son Kai Nathaniel Haynes. His due date is August 12th, 2013, so basically the count down is on. Babies hardly ever come on the proposed due date so it's always best to have everything ready for the hospital by 35 weeks into the pregnancy.
We recently moved out on our own and with only one of us with a steady income we were looking forward to the baby shower to see what friends and family got us. The shower was pretty good and the girls played a few games before we got to the unveiling of the gifts. We still have a few more things to get but we have a great foundation to build on. My cousin recently had a baby boy... well like a year ago, and brought us a ton of stuff her son never got around to wearing. I guess it's true what they say, kids grow up so fast... especially the first few months.
I would like to say thanks to everyone that attended the baby shower and even those who couldn't attend but still sent gifts or donations. It was greatly appreciated and will go a long way. So as the title of this blog post states, this is basically an intro to what the blog is and will be about and hope you will join Deborah and I in the count down to Kai's birth. I will try to keep the blog up to date as much as possible but no sure it will be a daily blog, so be sure to follow by email or follow me on google+ to know when a new blog post is added.